Month: November 2017

What Pregnancy Does to Your Oral Health
28 Nov, 2017 What Pregnancy Does to Your Oral Health

Being pregnant shapes and changes our bodies in so many different ways, and it doesn’t end at oral health. Although you have a lot of...

Tips on Keeping Your Teeth White
21 Nov, 2017 Tips on Keeping Your Teeth White

Prevention of Stained Teeth The advancements in oral care has meant that people who previously battled with yellow or stained teeth can now walk around...

Know the Warning Signs of Impacted Wisdom Teeth
13 Nov, 2017 Know the Warning Signs of Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Many of us have gotten into a routine with our dentist. Our twice-yearly check-ups make it easy to address relatively common issues, such as aches...

Five Reasons Why Your Child Has Bad Breath
03 Nov, 2017 Five Reasons Why Your Child Has Bad Breath

Instilling good oral hygiene practices within children is vital to ensure they carry a healthy dental routine throughout their lives. Brushing twice daily is great,...