
The Benefits of Removing Painful Wisdom Teeth
03 Jun, 2019 The Benefits of Removing Painful Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth are the third molars located right at the back of your mouth on the upper and lower jaw. They mostly grow out by...

Chipped Tooth? Find Out How a Dentist Can Help You
16 Apr, 2018 Chipped Tooth? Find Out How a Dentist Can Help You

Our teeth are incredibly strong, consisting of a mixture of pulp, dentin, enamel and cementum. In fact, though they are dubbed as ‘bones’, teeth are...

Know the Warning Signs of Impacted Wisdom Teeth
13 Nov, 2017 Know the Warning Signs of Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Many of us have gotten into a routine with our dentist. Our twice-yearly check-ups make it easy to address relatively common issues, such as aches...

Natural Pain Relief for Toothaches
08 Oct, 2017 Natural Pain Relief for Toothaches

Toothaches always seem to strike at the worst times, like in the middle of the night or when the dentistry office is closed. If this...

What to Do When You Chip or Break a Tooth
04 Aug, 2017 What to Do When You Chip or Break a Tooth

Teeth are incredibly durable, and we put them to work every day. It is only natural that they can be overworked and unfortunately are susceptible...