Questions to Ask Your Dentist About Teeth Whitening

Questions to Ask Your Dentist About Teeth Whitening

15 October,2020

Questions to Ask Your Dentist About Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is a very popular dental treatment, but is it right for you? If you’ve been thinking about getting your teeth whitened, here are some questions you should consider asking your dentist prior to starting.

Why Have My Teeth Become Discoloured?

Your dentist will be able to explain the cause of your discolouration and determine whether a whitening treatment is the right way to resolve the issue. If your teeth have become discoloured due to consuming certain foods and drinks, or using tobacco, your dentist may recommend that you avoid these in order to sustain the results of your whitening treatment.

If the discolouration has been caused by an underlying dental issue, this will need to be addressed before any teeth whitening treatments can happen.

Is Teeth Whitening Safe to Do?

Teeth whitening is a non-invasive treatment, with no surgery required. However, you must follow your dentist’s instructions to prevent any issues from occurring.

Are There Any Risks or Side Effects?

If a whitening treatment isn’t correctly performed, you may experience some side effects:

  • There may be some chemical burns if the bleaching agent touches your gums or other soft tissues inside the mouth.
  • Your teeth and gums may feel more sensitive for a few days after teeth whitening, especially if you’ve had an in-chair treatment.
  • Pregnant women and new mothers shouldn’t undergo a teeth whitening treatment, as the chemicals may enter the breast milk and placenta.

How White Will My Teeth Get?

This will depend on which whitening treatment you use, asnot all whitening treatments are equally effective for everyone. Teeth that are particularly stained or discoloured may not whiten as much as teeth that were already whiter.

How Long Will My Teeth Stay White For?

Teeth whitening usually lasts between six months and two years. This will depend on what type of treatment you had and how well you look after your teeth.Your teeth are more likely to stay white for longer if you don’t smoke and avoid consuming foods and drinks that stain, such as coffee, tea and beetroot.

Can I Have this Treatment if I Have Braces?

Yes, you can. However, your dentist will likely suggest that you waituntil your orthodontic treatment is completed before having a tooth whitening procedure.

Learn More Today

For more information about teeth whitening and to find out if it’s right for you, contact Dental on Clarendontoday by calling (03) 9690 3285.
