Chipped Tooth? Find Out How a Dentist Can Help You

Chipped Tooth? Find Out How a Dentist Can Help You

16 April,2018

Chipped Tooth? Find Out How a Dentist Can Help You

Our teeth are incredibly strong, consisting of a mixture of pulp, dentin, enamel and cementum. In fact, though they are dubbed as ‘bones’, teeth are actually stronger than the bones within our bodies. Despite this, it is also easy to damage, and even break, teeth. From biting on hard foods, to sporting injuries or taking a serious fall, there are a range of ways that we can chip our teeth.

But, just like we can mend broken bones, there are also many ways to save a broken or chipped tooth!

What to Do When You Chip a Tooth 

Firstly, if you have chipped or broken a tooth you should head to a dentist ASAP! This is not only to check the damage, but to ensure that no nerves are left exposed by the break. By getting early attention, you can avoid the break causing infection or further damage to the area. Without it, you could be leaving it open for extraction later.

When you break or chip your tooth, there are a few things that you can do to alleviate the pain felt until you see a dental professional. Gently rinsing your mouth with warm salted water can help to cleanse the area from any blood or build up.

If the tooth has a sharp or jagged edge from the break, it may be worth getting to a dentist as soon as possible. Otherwise, you could risk the tooth cutting your cheeks or tongue. Avoid eating, but if you need to, consume soft foods only and avoid the area completely.

Fixing a Broken Tooth

Depending on the size of the break, a dentist can definitely save your broken tooth. This can be done with a simple filling just to repair any enamel chipped away. If the break is on one of the front teeth, there may be need for a dental bond in order to restore the tooth back to its former glory. This involves sculpting a tooth-coloured adhesive to the shape of your tooth and hardening it.

In the case of a severe break or chip, it may be necessary to restore the tooth with a dental crown. This will mean that the damaged part of the tooth will be removed, and a crown placed in the area to protect the tooth and restore a natural appearance.

If you do unfortunately damage any of your teeth, do not try to fix the problem alone. At Dental on Clarendon, we can help you.
