South Melbourne

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General Dental Procedures

  • If you are a senior Ozzie who has lost a lot of teeth, you may want to consider dentures.
  • You don’t need to have grey/silver amalgam fillings when we have white fillings.
  • Root canals to fix a tooth that is badly decayed.
  • Restorative dentistry to rebuild and strengthen your bite.
  • Kids’ dental work.

Cosmetic Dentistry In South Melbourne

  • Smile makeovers. Have that awesome smile you’ve always wanted.
  • Zoom Teeth bleaching, to make your teeth several shades lighter.
  • Dental implants to replace missing or decaying teeth.
  • Porcelain veneers that can fix broken, chipped or gappy teeth to give you a brilliant smile.
  • Crowns and bridges to fill in the missing teeth or after a root canal treatment.
  • Invisalign, the invisible braces solution to straighten teeth that are misaligned or have gaps.

Directions to Our Clinic