The Dental Cycle for Your Children Through the Years

The Dental Cycle for Your Children Through the Years

10 April,2018

The Dental Cycle for Your Children Through the Years

As we grow and change, so does our dental routine. We are not using the same tools and methods that we once used as toddlers, as it is probably impractical and inefficient.

We understand that it can be confusing knowing exactly what your children should be doing in their dental routine in the different stages of their life. Luckily for you, we have a detailed plan of attack for you below, so you can be fully in the loop.

Babies and Toddlers

It is natural for babies to start the teething process at around six months of age. Once the teeth have broken through the gums, it is important to start brushing. Purchasing a soft bristle brush and natural, safe toothpaste will ensure that your babies teeth are kept well looked after. Try not to get a strong flavoured toothpaste to avoid your baby feeling overwhelmed in the process. Instead, reach for a milder flavour.

It is also good to note that your child should attend their first dental appointment by the age of one.


This is the age where your child will want to take the lead in their dental routine, so ensure you are supporting their interest and growth in dental health. This encourages them to continue the process and allows them to form healthy habits for their dental health. The more fun the routine, the more enthusiasm they will grow. You should still, however, supervise their techniques to ensure that they’re doing what’s right for their oral health. You may even want to do a once-over after they’ve finished to ensure that no hidden food is left over!

Primary School

As life starts to get busier for your child, with all those after-school extracurricular activities, their dental routine can fall behind. More than that, they are more likely to start reaching for sugary treats – which we all know when had in excessive amounts can perpetuate decay. We aren’t saying to completely deprive them of sugar, but keeping the treats for special occasions will help their teeth remain healthy.

Also, during this stage, your children will start to lose their teeth if they haven’t already. Of course, keeping up the appearance of the tooth fairy will make this time magical for them, instead of stress inducing.


Your teenage child may laugh at the idea of a healthy dental routine, but it is important to ensure they are taking the correct steps in keeping their oral health. Instead of lecturing about tooth decay and gingivitis, approach it from an image perspective.

The teenage years are also the best time to start seeing an orthodontist if it is necessary. Ask your dentist for any recommendations, and remember to keep on top of your child’s, and your own, dental health by visiting Dental on Clarendon today.

Further reading for kid's oral health, click here.
