Year: 2015

How Do We Treat Missing Teeth?
18 Oct, 2015 How Do We Treat Missing Teeth?

Gaps in the teeth not only appear unsightly but they also lead to bone loss through a process known as resorption. Patients who’ve had many...

What Can a Smile Makeover Do for You?
08 Sep, 2015 What Can a Smile Makeover Do for You?

A Smile Makeover improves the appearance of a patient’s smile and involves several cosmetic procedures like tooth contouring, tooth whitening and dental implantation. Your dentist...

Technology & Pain-Free Dentistry
25 Aug, 2015 Technology & Pain-Free Dentistry

Using State of the Art Technology & Practices for Pain-Free Dentistry The fear of visiting the dentist is definitely not unwarranted. From the noise of...

Sleep Dentistry – How Does it Work?
06 Aug, 2015 Sleep Dentistry – How Does it Work?

If you’ve ever had a traumatic experience at the dentist’s office either as a child or an adult, you’ve most likely developed a phobia towards...

Improve Your Life with Dental Implants
01 Aug, 2015 Improve Your Life with Dental Implants

Tooth loss can be quite an embarrassing situation to deal with. The gaps that remain after extraction of the teeth alter the structure of the...